Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Drawing Tutorials For Beginners

So what makes a good drawing tutorial for beginners? The keyword here is "beginner", so it's a little bit different from ordinary drawing tutorials that usually assume that you already know something about drawing.

There are many reasons why someone might want to pick up drawing. Some say it runs in the family, while others say they haven't been able to find time but would like to try it out now. Whatever the reason may be, if you're the kind of person who's very fickle minded and always change direction to pursue various interest, you may find that you'll not be very successful. Your attention will be diluted, and you'll find that your hobby will be short-lived.

But if you're really serious and passionate about learning how to draw, good for you! If you can stick it through and be patient when it comes to foundation building, you'll come to reap the rewards of drawing in the not too distant future.

Speaking of foundation building, that should be your primary goal if you're a beginner. Drawing is not difficult to learn, but it does require some practice. Remember that there's no magic pill, so no matter how good a drawing tutorial is, it's not going to help you if you don't practice.

Nevertheless, good drawing tutorials can still help you to accelerate your learning process. What you need is step-by-step instructions on how to draw, which is what I always stress in my home study course.

The best foundation building tutorials are those that isolate various elements of a drawing and walk you through how to accomplish each step. Afterwards, you'll be able to see for yourself how the whole drawing actually comes together.

Also, good drawing tutorials for beginners should also focus on repetition. That means if there's a key point to take note of, the good tutorials remind you of them. Otherwise, there's a very high chance that you may forget about the whole process once you finish reading the tutorial.

Again, don't forget to take the time build a strong foundation if you're just starting out. If not, you'll find that you may run into a host of unwanted problems later on when you learn the more advanced techniques.

Darren Chow is the founder and developer of, an online website that offers free drawing lessons, home study courses, and other drawing related resources.
For more free resources like the one you've just read, please visit [] for free online drawing lessons [].

Article Source: Drawing Tutorials For Beginners

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